
Prof. Dr., Dr., Nizar Alam Hamdani, SE., M.M., M.T., M.Si., M.Kom. (SCOPUS ID: 57202311344), Faculty of Economics,  Garut University, Garut, Indonesia

Dr. Galih Abdul Fatah Maulani,M.Kom. (SCOPUS ID: 57202308014), Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Garut University, Garut, Indonesia 

Dr.apt. Lusi Nurdianti, M.Si. (SCOPUS ID: 57206661584), Bakti Tunas Husada College of Health Sciences, Tasikmalaya,  Indonesia

Dr. Richa Mardianingrum,M.Si. (SCOPUS ID: 57193868690), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Perjuangan, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

Dr. apt. Sofi Nurmay Stiani,S.Far., M.Sc. (SCOPUS ID: 57205337600), Salsabila College of Health Sciences, Serang, Indonesia

Dr. apt. Yusransyah, M.Sc. (SCOPUS ID: 57211890707), Salsabila College of Health Sciences, Serang, Indonesia

Dr. apt Viviane Annisa, S.Farm. (SCOPUS ID: 57428128200), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Dr.Fenti Fatmawati, M.Si. (SCOPUS ID: 59354014500), Faculty of Pharmacy, Bhakti Kencana University, Bandung, Indonesia

Helfy Susilawati, M.T. (SCOPUS ID: 57208471432), Faculty of Engineering, Garut University, Garut, Indonesia

apt. Dyera Forestryana. M.Si. (SCOPUS ID: 57243373100), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Borneo Lestari, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia

Dr. apt. Umi Yuniarni,M.Si. (SCOPUS ID: 57218913731), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia