Petunjuk Penulis
- The manuscript published in the Jurnal Komunikasi Universitas Garut: Hasil Pemikiran dan Penelitian is the text that have not been published in the mass media or in journals of communications in a particular institution or agency.
- Articles, free of plagiarism, including plagiarism itself.
- The article contains research related to communication (see the focus and scope).
- Articles is in the Indonesian language, which consist of 5000-6000 words (no numbering), Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing, A4, margins for the top and left 2.7, 2.5 for the bottom and right.
- Articles written in the Indonesian language consists of 20-25 pages, the author lists a maximum of 3 people (name written without academic degree).
- Editorial article is written without the use of numbering of the chapters (or a bulleted list).
- The document contains: (a) Title: concise and describe the contents of a script or a problem clearly, consisting of 10-15 words (capital letters, size 14, and bold, do not use subtitles); (b) The author's name (without abbreviations), Study Program, Inc institution name and email address of each author (using the appropriate email address domain authority), written using Times New Roman 12; (c) Abstract is written in one space, consisting of 200-250 words / phrases that are relevant, typed using Times New Roman, font 12 is written in Indonesian and English. Abstract describes the problem that was written at the beginning of the paragraph, goals, methods of research, research and research contribution. Abstract stacks no numbering, justified paragraph. (d) Keywords contain terms that are indexed by 3-5 words, separated by semicolons; (e) Contents Systematics consist of: INTRODUCTION (containing background research problem that contains the subject matter, the formulation of the problem / identification problem), the purpose of the study, literature review / study of theory and other concepts), METHODS (method, approach, subject, object, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, REFERENCES (latest journal citation).
- The Writing of Bibliography, follows the style of APA (American Psychological Association): (a) Regulated by alphabet; (b) Consisting of at least 15 sources of reference; (c) Must quote two articles from the journal in scholarly communication; (d) Reference to a maximum of 10 years; (e) References made up of 60% of the journal and 40% of non-journal; (f) Sample quote:
Gambar Source: (Dispatch, 2017)
Picture 1 Korean Hand Hearts
Book: Nurhadi, Zikri Fachrul. (2017). Contemporary Communication Theory. Bogor: Prenada Media Group. Beal, EW (1980). Separation, Divorce, And Single Parent Families: The familiy Life Cycle, Framework For Family Therapy. New York: Gardener Press, INC.
e-book: Blumer, Herbert. (1966). Sociological Implications of The Thought of George Herbert Mead. Available from:http: //leeds.implications of the,
Pages in the collection of articles book: Merlina, Nina. (2000). Family Role In the Investment of West Java Cultural Values. In Nadine, West Java Cultural Family Communication (pp. 19-29). Bandung.
Journal Article: Peres, Y, & Schrift, R. (2001). Intermarriages and Interethnic Relations. Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies, 8 (2), 428-451.
Articles in the Internet: Fajar Nugraha. (2012). Press Coverage About Punishment. (2018 March 12). Accessed from ( -asas - the relentless presumption of innocence.html.
Newspaper article: Nurhadi, Zikri Fachrul. (2019, May 19). Three Aspects of Fasting Education. Priangan Newspapers, page 1.
Articles / news in the newspaper without the author: Seeing Reality of the World. (2016, June 19). Priangan Newspapers, page 1.
Official document: The Promotion and Development Center for Languages. (1978). Research Report Writing Guide. Jakarta: Department of Education. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 On the National Education System. (1990). Jakarta: PT Armas Duta Jaya.
Essay,Theses, Dissertation: Nafeeza, Tanisha. (2019). Global Communication and Civilization Communications Dimensions. (Unpublished thesis). University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
website: Data Collection Technique. (2008). Available from: eppa / v7.html [17 March 2018].
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