Persyaratan Menjadi Reviewer

Requirements to be a reviewer at the Faculty of Economics Journal, University of Garut:

  1. Must have at least a Master's degree.
  2. Must hold a minimum functional position of Lecturer.
  3. Proven to be capable of carrying out tasks as a reviewer of scientific works (experience in scientific publication as a corresponding author).
  4. Must have at least 5 years of research experience.
  5. Must have experience as the principal researcher at their institution.
  6. Must have previously received national and international research projects.
  7. Must have published accredited national and international scientific journals.
  8. Must have experience as a speaker at national and international academic seminars.
  9. Must be registered as a peer reviewer for national and international scientific journals
  10. Must have works that are registered with intellectual property rights (IPR).
  11. Having a good H-Index on Google Scholar or SINTA, and preferably those who already have a Scopus ID