PENGARUH CARA PENGOLAHAN PATI GARUT (Maranta arundinacea) SEBAGAI BINDER DAN LAMA PENYIMPANAN TERHADAP KUALITAS FISIK PELLET AYAM BROILER (The Effect of Processing Method of Arrow Root Tuber (Maranta arundinacea) as Binder and Length of Storage Time on Physical Quality Pellet Feed For Chicken Broiler)

Titin Nurhayatin Maryati Puspitasari



Rancangan penelitian dilakukan RAL faktorial (4 x 3) 3 ulangan. Faktor A adalah Proses pengolahan binder terdiri dari : A0 = binder CMC 1 %. A1 = binder diseduh d air panas, A2= binder tercampur ransum dan disemprot air panas. A3 = binder dalam ransum, dan dipanaskan dalam autoclave. Jumlah binder pati garut yang digunakan adalah 12% . Faktor B adalah lama penyimpanan, yaitu: L0 = 15 hari, L2 = 30 hari dan L3 = 45 hari. Peubah yang diamati adalah parameter fisik pellet. Data yang diperoleh di analisis varian (Anava) dan Uji Duncan. (Steel and Torrie, 1989). Hasil penelitian adalah tidak terdapat interaksi antara jenis pengolahan dan lama penyimpanan terhadap terhadap densitas, berat jenis, kadar air, kerapatan tumpukkan dan kerapatan pemadatan tumpukkan, tetapi terdapat interaksi antara jenis pengolahan dan lama penyimpanan terhadap durabilitas pellet. Jenis pengolahan berpengaruh sangat nyata pada densitas dan durabilitas. lama penyimpanan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kadar air dan berat jenis tapi jenis pengolahan dan lama penyimpanan tidak berpengaruh nyata pada kerapatan tumpukkan dan kerapatan pemadatan tumpukkan.
Kata Kunci : Pati garut, binder, pengolahan, penyimpanan, pellet, broiler,


The research design was done by factorial Completely Randomized Design (4 x 3) 3 replications. Factor A is binder processing process consisting of: A0 = 1% CMC binder. A1 = binder brewed in hot water, A2 = binder mixed ration and sprayed with hot water. A3 = binder in ration, and heated in autoclave. The amount of starch binder used is 12%. Factor B is the length of storage, ie: L0 = 15 days, L2 = 30 days and L3 = 45 days. The observed variable is the physical parameter of pellet. Data obtained in the analysis of variants (Anava) and Duncan Test. (Steel and Torrie, 1989). The result of this research is there is no interaction between processing type and length of storage to density, specific gravity, water content, pile density and pile compaction density, but there is interaction between processing type and duration of storage to pellet durability. The type of treatment has a very significant effect on the density and durability. duration of storage has a very significant effect on water content and specific gravity but the type of processing and storage time has no significant effect on pile density and density of compact pile.

Keywords: garut starch, binder, processing, storage, pellet, broiler

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