PENGARUH PROBIOTIK DAN EKSTRAK DAUN KATUK (Sauropus androgynous) TERHADAP TEBAL KERABANG DAN HAUGH UNIT (HU) PUYUH PETELUR (Effect Of Probiotic and Sauropus androgynous Leaf Extract on Eggshell Thickness and Haugh Unit (HU) in Laying Quail)
Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun katuk (Sauropus androgynous) dalam ransum terhadap tebal kerabang dan haugh unit (HU). Enam puluh ekor puyuh petelur fase produksi dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan : 1) T0 : ransum tanpa perlakuan, 2) T1 : ransum dengan perlakuan ekstrak daun katuk 3.5g/kg ransum, 3) T2 : ransum dengan perlakuan probiotik (Bacillus sp. dan Saccharomycess sp.), 4) T3 : ransum dengan perlakuan ekstrak daun katuk 3.5g/kg ransum + probiotik (Bacillus sp. dan Saccharomycess sp.). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap tebal kerabang (P>0.05) dan haugh unit (HU) (P>0.05). Telur hasil penelitian dari semua perlakuan menunjukkan kondisi telur yang sesuai dengan standar kualitas tebal kerabang dan haugh unit (HU). ¬Kata Kunci : Ekstrak daun katuk, haugh unit, probiotik, puyuh, tebal kerabang Abstract The study aims to determine the effect of giving sauropus androgynous leaf extract in the ration on egg quality. Sixty quails laying in the production phase were divided into 4 treatment groups: 1) T0: rations without treatment, 2) T1 : rations with katuk leaf extract treatment 3.5g / kg ration, 3) T2 : rations with probiotic treatment (Bacillus sp. And Saccharomycess sp.), 4) T3 : ration with katuk leaf extract treatment 3.5g / kg ration + probiotics (Bacillus sp. and Saccharomycess sp.). The results showed that the treatment had no significant effect on egg shell thickness (P>0.05) and haugh unit (HU) (P>0.05). Eggs from all treatments showed the condition of eggs in accordance with the quality standards of the thickness of the shells and haugh units (HU). Keywords: Eggshell thickness, haugh unit, probiotics, quail, sauropus androgynous leaf extractUnduhan