Education can be used as a guideline or parameter by students in culminating all kinds of knowledge they have so that they can expand in achieving understanding in themselves and their lives. Education is needed to suppress and minimize the ignorance that exists in students so that it does not become stagnant and degraded. This research was carried out at the Abdul Malik Private Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MIS) with a quantitative research approach. This research method uses survey methods and correlation analysis to see the relationship between mathematical disposition variables and students' critical thinking, by conducting a Two Ways ANOVA test to see the analysis of students' mathematical dispositions and critical thinking based on students' cognitive stages, namely the preoperational, transitional and concrete thinking stages. The population of this study was upper-class students at the Abdul Malik Private Madrasah Ibtidaiyah with a sample of 61 students. This research instrument uses tests and questionnaires. The specifications for the data analysis requirements used consist of normality tests and linearity tests using Kolmogorov-Smirnov with the help of SPSS version 26 software. In this study, it was found that learning outcomes with students' cognitive levels at the preoperational, transitional, and concrete stages had differences and did not have a significant influence. in developing student learning outcomes, however, there is a relationship between students' mathematical disposition abilities and critical thinking.
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