Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis PowerPoint dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Nasionalisme

Penelitian Kualitatif Deskriptif di Kelas 4 MIN 2 Garut


  • Husni Safitri Universitas Garut
  • Ijudin
  • Ade Holis


This research aims to delve into the implementation of PowerPoint-based learning the background of this research is based on the complexity of global cahllenges and socio-cultural diversity in Indonesia, which shows the urgency of increasing nationalism attitudes among the younger generation. Thus, the study aims to explore the effectiveness of PowerPoint-based learning media in improving students’ nationalism attitudes, especially in learning Civic Education (PKn) in grade 4 of MIN 2 Garut. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. This method aims to collect data in depth, then analyze it to understand the characteristics, patterns, or relationships between variables. Researchers use a wualitative approach to explain the implementation of PowerPoint-based learning media in learning Citizenship Education and its impact on students’ natinalism attitudes. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis to gain an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon under study. The result showed that the implementation of PowerPoint-based learning media significantly improved students’ understanding of Civics Education materials and their nationalism attitude. Students showed active participation and high awarness of Indonesian national values, culture and history. This shows the potentional of the media as an effective in improving students’ understanding and nationalism attitudes in learning Citizenship Education. The use of this media can strengthen students’ national identity by increasing appreciation of Indonesian national values, culture and history. Therefore, the use of PowerPoint-based learning media can be a relevant strategy in strengthening civic education in schools.


Keywords: Implementation, Learning Media, PowerPoint, Nationalism Attitudes

