Strategi Guru Dalam Membentuk Karakter Mandiri dan Tanggung Jawab Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Tematik

Aceng Habib ahmad Sopari


ndependent and responsible character is a character that must be owned by every
individual because as a benchmark the data is accepted or not every individual.
Teaching students to have independent character and responsibility is not an easy
thing because it requires a special strategy to teach it to students. This study uses a
qualitative research approach with a descriptive type of research. Data collection
techniques were carried out through interviews, observations, and documentation
studies. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the
teacher's strategy in shaping the independent character and responsibility of
students through thematic learning. The results of the research that the authors get
include: 1) Growing independent character and responsibility carried out outside
school by giving assignments from the teacher as the implementation of
independence and a sense of responsibility. 2) Provide exemplary, habituation to
students in all aspects and character planting. 3) The supporting factors are
family/parents, educators and education staff, and the environment, while the
inhibiting factors are parents, environment, teachers and science and technology.
Keywords: Character Education, Independent, Responsibility

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Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Fakultas Pendidikan Islam & Keguruan Universitas Garut
Jln. Raya Samarang No. 52A Hampor- Tarogong Garut,Jawa Barat 44151 (0262) 544-214
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