Ramdani Rais Nugraha, Lesmana Indra, Adieyaksa Irgi, Samudra Bintang, Nursani Siti


: Indonesia is one of the countries that is called an agricultural country, this is because Indonesia has vast and fertile agricultural land, to maintain the sustainability and development of agriculture, regeneration of its business actors is needed, but the low regeneration of farmers is one of the obstacles faced by the world of agriculture in Indonesia, Instilling an interest in farming in early childhood is one of the efforts to increase youth regeneration as well as introducing agriculture at an early age. One of the factors behind the low interest in farming in early childhood is the lack of understanding and knowledge related to the world of agriculture and the views of the people in Indonesia about agriculture are not A field that is promising from an economic perspective, understanding and knowledge in early childhood can be built by introducing agriculture through mitigation programs on teaching campuses by carrying out planting practices, starting from making planting media, planting, caring for them, to harvesting. With this activity, it is hoped that it can increase understanding and knowledge in grade 5 students so that it can increase interest in farming in grade 5 elementary school students who are used as objects.

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