Pelaksanaan Koordinasi Program Pembangunan Prasarana Pendukung Desa Tertinggal dan Manajemen Pembangunan Partisipatif serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan


  • Bambang Subagio


The purpose of research to analyze the influence the objective of this research is to analyze the effect of the P3DT program and participative development management and its effect on the optimizing of community empowerment in relationship with development program in the Kabupaten Bandung. This research was hoped show is there the influence of implementation coordination program P3DT and the participate development management to optimize of society empowering on the Bandung development. The magnitude of the influence showed by the two free variables to permanent variable got 47.4 percent. The partially testing indicate was know those every variable influencing with significant to optimize of society empowering on the Bandung development. This has been seen from the value of the variable by 40.44 percent. And management of participate development by 43.71 percent. Beside be hoped the positive correlation between the program coordination P3DT implementation with management of participate development Kata kunci : Community empowerment; Participate development; Coordination;





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